Wednesday, January 12, 2011

#photography - Who Ordered this??

Who ordered this???

anyone want some snow???

And where can I return it??

We got about 12 inches today.... it was insane!!!
We tried to keep up with it, but it was so windy and cold it was just impossible. 
It is still snowing pretty steady outside and between that and the wind blowing off of the roofs our clean up isn't over yet.
I heard we are supposed to get another one of these next Tuesday... 
I guess we'll just have to wait and see.... 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Getting Eaten by Alligators!

I took this picture a couple years ago at York's Wild Animal Kingdom and thought it turned out pretty cool. I had no idea when I was just trying to get a picture of the croc that the reflection would work in my favor. Watch out dude!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Design and updates!

So about a month ago, if my readers haven't noticed but my posts have been scarce. Since I started my blog, I have been going back and forth about my design and layout, seeing what I wanted from other sites, but not knowing how to put it on my site. Jasc Photoshop is only SO helpful.
Vector Graphic me!